One passion: make people smile and think
Margarida Fonseca Santos was born in Lisbon. She began writing over twenty years ago and has about one hundred works published, most of them for children.
With a great part of her works included in the Portuguese National Reading Plan, writing (also for adults) became her great passion after having taught Pedagogy and Music in many schools. Her work also includes several plays.
For over a decade and a half, even before quitting teaching Music, Margarida has been conducting creative writing workshops and teacher’s coaching in institutions such as the Portuguese Catholic University, the EC.ON and the AEPDC. 'Escrita em Dia', published in 2012, is a manual for those who like to bring their words to life.
Of Margarida’s novels for adults, 'De Nome, Esperança', 'Deixa-me Entrar na Tua Vida' and 'Uma Pedra Sobre o Rio' (which won the APE/IPLB Revelation Award) stand out.
Her latest novel, 'De Zero a Dez', has chronic pain as its central theme and has been translated into English and Spanish.
The author was also distinguished with the Manuel da Fonseca Short Story National Award with the book 'O Degrau de Cima' and with the Manuel Teixeira Gomes Literary Award, awarded to the novel “O nº 11”.
Margarida is responsible for the project 'Histórias em 77 Palavras' (stories in 77 words), an online writing challenge platform with participants aged 6 to 101, in a partnership with Universidad de Salamanca, Rádio Miúdos and Rádio Sim. This project was the origin of the book 'Desafios em 77 Palavras', by Edicare.
Margarida Fonseca Santos
Margarida Fonseca Santos
Margarida Fonseca Santos
Margarida Fonseca Santos
Margarida Fonseca Santos
Margarida Fonseca Santos
Margarida Fonseca Santos